Sunday, October 19, 2014


Time to reveal the secret ingredient given my Anu Kolan. She gave me moong dhall and jiggery. Usually I make payasam , but this time I  tried this laddu, it was yum and protein rich and iron. Since I used organic jaggery  it is dark.
Moong dhall - 1 cup
Jaggery - 1cup (I used Organic)
Elachi powder - one pinch
Cashew - few
Ghee  - 4 to 5 tbsps.
Heat one tea spoon of ghee in a pan and roast the moong dhall.
Grate the jaggery. Ground the moong dhall to powder.
Mix powder and jaggery and cashew and ghee.
Make  laddu out of it.




Wonderful recipe. Although I am based in Perth, where I am the proprietor of All Seasons Catering a local catering company, I spent much time in India and still experiment with Eastern cuisine. I will caertainly give this recipe a try - not for my customers but for me!!!

Joanne T Ferguson

G'day one word? YUM and congrats on completing this months' challenge too!
Cheers! Joanne

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