Saturday, June 13, 2020


Drumstick leaves my mom used to make stir fry with garlic. Nowadays in shops i saw Morainga  powder sold. I thought of making it like curry leaves powder which can be added to rice and have.

I make this Powder and keep it handy. Some days if i feel tired , will mix with rice and serve with chips or vadam. Healthy dish too. 

Facts about Drumstick leaves.

The leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant, being a significant source of B vitaminsvitamin C, provitamin A as beta-carotenevitamin Kmanganese, and protein.[20][21] When compared with common foods particularly high in certain nutrients per 100 g fresh weight, cooked moringa leaves are considerable sources of these same nutrients. Some of the calcium in moringa leaves is bound as crystals of calcium oxalate[22] though at levels 1/25th to 1/45th of that found in spinach, which is a negligible amount. The leaves are cooked and used like spinach.


Drumstick  leaves -  1 cup

Red chilli = 4 to 5

Urad dhal - 2 to 3 tbsp

Channa dhal = 2 to 3 tsp

hing - small piece /  1 tsp

salt to taste

oil  - 1 tsp


I microwaved the leaves till it turns crispy. You can sundry too.

In a pan add oil , red chili and saute.

After 1 minute add urad dal, channa dhal  and saute till it turns golden brown.

Add the drumstick ;eaves and saute for a minute.
 Grind to coarse powder. 

Keep it in a airtight container. 

If you want you can add garlic pods too. 



Very nice recipe, am surely gonna try it and let you knnow how it taste. Am also a food blogger and a food lover too, do take out time to visit my food and recipe blog at Cooking, Recipes and Reviews . Thank you

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