Friday, August 1, 2008

Sabhudhana Coconutmilk Payasam (Kheer)

Sabudhana - 1 cupJ
aggery - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Coconut milk made from one medium size coconut
Cashewnuts and kishmish(raisins) fried in ghee for garnishing
1. Take thick milk ( first milk ) and second milk from the coconut
2. In the second milk soak sabhudhana for 30 minutes
3. Boil some water in a pan and add jaggery and sugar, let it dissolve in the water.
4. Add soaked sabhudhana with coconut milk in that.
5. Within 5 minutes sabhudhana will be cooked.6
. Garnish with cashews and kishmish
Note: Tastes delicious when served chilled.
You can add pieces of jack fruit also

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