Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Cut mango pickle is my husband's favourite. I make this every year, now only  I am posting this.I usually make Urugai / pickle powder and keep. I used that , otherwise you can use chili powder also.


Mango  - 4 cups

Turmeric powder - 2 tbsp

Rock salt  - 1 cup

Urugai powder  - 1 cup 
(click the link)

Gingelly oil -  400 ml

Mustard seeds - 1 tbsp


In a bowl add chopped mangoes , turmeric powder and salt and mix well. let it sit for a day . 

Add urugai powder to that and mix well.   OR

Add chili powder  1 cup, mustard powder and fenugreek powder 1 tbsp and mix well.

Heat oil in a pan and temper mustard seeds.

Pour over the mangoes and stir well.

Stir every day and keep it in sulight for 2 to 3 days. 

Enjoy with curd rice.



Pickle is one of my favourite dish. It is very spicy and tasty. masala manufacturers in kerala provide pickle powder to make pickle more spicy. 

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